WHY...... Do we adopted? This is the easiest question for me to answer, yet hard for me to put into words.
Last night we had our hometeacher come over for the first time. He asked us to introduce our kids, of course our kids were so excited to say that they have a brother and a sister in Ghana that we are adopting. In a sweet and genuine way he asked somewhat puzzled, "why do you adopt"? He went on to say, "I don't really get it, I have never been around anyone that has adopted before". I am sure many wonder this same question, or feel the same way he does. So I thought I would take a moment to explain why we choose to adopt!
I can remember a moment when I was 10 that I saw Maury interviewing a young child who had had a rough life, then given the opportunity to be adopted, loved and cared for. At that moment I told myself when I am older I will adopt. That was one simple moment that just grew and grew in reason and in meaning for me. As I joined the LDS church and clung to our family values and growing my own family. I never had a question only knowledge that some of my children would come from me biologically and some would come from others mothers and find their place within our family. I have always felt that this knowledge is my opportunity in motherhood. I more than understand that adoption isn't for everyone, however I hope other's are just as understanding that some are called to adopt. I do think that's what it is, a calling. Not a calling that makes me any better or our family any better than anyone else's, just a calling. Something we have always known we are suppose to do and it's our choice to fulfil it. We all have callings as parents: to how we teach our children, raise our children and love our children, and with our calling there's just a different twist. I choose to adopt because after many prayers about the knowledge I have been given, I can't go back, only forward. Adoption is part of me, it runs in my blood, it's deep within my soul,it's the center my family and the only way I know our family can be completed!
Our daughter Camry came to us last August really frustrated, mad and crying. She said, "I know we are suppose to adopt, you guys aren't doing anything about it. I have been praying about it and I tell Halli and Elijah to pray about it every night. You guys need to start doing something about it." I reassured her that it's always our goal to adopt and that we(mom and dad) would continue to seek our Loving Heavenly Father about his timing for our family and adoption. She has stayed just as persistent, always reminding us to pray constantly for our kids, her siblings. Camry knows why we adopt, it's part of her. Our family has been prepared for this! Our kids willingness to love and give all they have to their siblings that they have never meet. It's a testimony within ourselves that this is right for our family and a daily conviction from God that we are doing what He has planned for us!
When Casey and I met and started talking marriage we went over the glorious details of family. The first thing I said to him is, "I know that I am suppose to adopt". He said, "great me too"! That was our whole conversation. When we started contemplating adding to our family we prayed as to whether we were to adopted first our have our bio kids first. We received the direction to have Halli and Camry biologically and immediately after I had Camry(in the hospital). I looked at Casey and said our next baby is suppose to be adopted. We prayed on that, fasted and sure enough Elijah joined our family within 8 weeks of starting the process. After Elijah was born we worked on many other adoption opportunities that failed, however I told Casey and I knew two more kids were to join our family biologically. So we pursue that knowledge. Since having our last two kiddos, I know the rest of our kids that will complete our family will come through adoption. To sum it all up, it's just something I have always known, I pray about it, fast or attend the temple to further my knowledge of how it's suppose to happen and then we go forward in faith.
I also want to add that I myself have been blessed with adoption. Not all on paper, but in love. My dad adopted me when I was 2.5, never meeting my bio father. My older sister(same bio mom) adopted me and raised me from the age of 13-17. She then got married and moved so I then lived with her bio dad and mom. All of these wonderful people adopted me into their heart, into their home and into their lives forever. I know what it's like to be loved by those willing to offer it. I am grateful everyday for the parents in my life, for the love and support they gave and their willingness to do so!
Eight Years Later 2009-2016
8 years ago
Isn't adoption the most amazing blessing? Thank you for sharing your story. I feel so bad I haven't been there lately for you guys, but I am so impressed with the "families helping families" way it works for Luckyhill. We are all united in getting all the kids home!